Network World: Starbucks wireless network a sweet deal for MobileStar. The initiative is a boon to MobileStar Network, the ISP responsible for the wireless LAN connectivity in each Starbucks stores and the backbone network connecting the shops to the Internet. MobileStar expects Starbucks will account for 50% of its network footprint by 2003. [Tomalak's Realm]
Month: June 2001
Do Java programmers really need SOAP?
Do Java programmers really need SOAP?. Why is adopting SOAP in Java premature? First, a simple form of Web services can already be implemented with Java Servlets. A Servlet can receive an HTTP POST with an XML document as the content and return an XML document as the response. Thus we could define a simple… Continue reading Do Java programmers really need SOAP?
Consumer Project on Technology
Consumer Project on Technology. The Consumer Project on Technology was started by Ralph Nader in 1995. Our work is documented extensively on the CPT web page. Currently CPT is focusing on intellectual property rights and health care, electronic commerce (very broadly defined) and competition policy. [Privacy Digest]
Much Ado About Smart Tags
A List Apart: Much Ado About Smart Tags. By adding smart tags to web pages, Microsoft is interposing itself between authors and their audience. Microsoft told Walter Mossberg “the feature will spare users from 'under-linked' sites.” Microsoft is in effect deciding how authors should write, and how developers should build, websites. [Tomalak's Realm]
Here's an idea
David Winer: Here's an idea we've been incubating for six years. In Frontier, if you put a name in double-quotes that it knows, it does a replacement. This glossary is hierarchic, so it loops out levels until it hits the root, so you can over-ride global definitions locally. A one-level version of this glossary is… Continue reading Here's an idea
Scripting News
David Winer: I'm working on a new thing I call #upstream.xml. It's a spec you drop in a folder that tells Radio how to route changes to the folder and its sub-folders. I've been getting ready to do this for at least a year or two. It's tricky code, I'm writing it slowly, but it's… Continue reading Scripting News
Kmart and Martha's Wonderful Match
Kmart and Martha's Wonderful Match. Martha Stewart wares will be available exclusively in the land of the Blue Light through 2008. [The Motley Fool]
Nicholas Petreley
Nicholas Petreley: “You can't compete with Microsoft without first making a deal with Microsoft over something as basic as where your customer's data is stored and how one must access it. If that thought doesn't bother you, given Microsoft's abuse of its authority in the past, then by all means, embrace what you must view… Continue reading Nicholas Petreley
ZDNet: Red Hat Tux 2.0 blows away Apache
ZDNet: Red Hat Tux 2.0 blows away Apache. In the case of eWeek Labs' Web server benchmark, Red Hat Inc.'s Tux 2.0 Web server running on a Linux 2.4 kernel has taken performance far beyond what was previously possible and blazes the way for future Web servers built on the same architecture. [PHP Everywhere]
Some great Florida web sites:
Sunny Days Key West
Some great Florida web sites: Sunny Days Key West Westwinds Key West Conch Republic Seafood Alice's Restaurant Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Truman's Little White House Historic Site Kelly's Bar and Grille Peppers of Key West Tommy Bahama's Sarasota Wet Noses Sarasota Went to some good places that don't have web sites. Will try to say more… Continue reading Some great Florida web sites: