OpenID. I followed the instructions here to create an OpenID for myself at MyOpenId, and added the magic bits that associate this weblog with that ID: If you do a View-Source you'll see these two link elements in the section of the HTML. So now I can use any of the services that use OpenID… Continue reading OpenID
Jet stream changes bring record temp
Jet stream changes bring record temp. Boston set a record high temperature yesterday, and seemed likely to set another one today, as the entire region did an unsettling impression of springtime in January, complete with blooming trees and people picnicking on the Public Garden's emerald green grass. [Boston Globe — Front Page]
Attack of the Zombie Computers Is a Growing Threat, Experts Say
Attack of the Zombie Computers Is a Growing Threat, Experts Say. In their persistent quest to breach the Internets defenses, the bad guys are honing their weapons and increasing their firepower. By JOHN MARKOFF. [NYT > Home Page]
Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2. Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2): Start making the room now folks… while 2k3 SP2 is only a beta/soon to be RC at this point in time…. start planning and making room on those C:… Continue reading Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Hobo: A Rapid Web App Builder for Rails
Hobo: A Rapid Web App Builder for Rails. You may have thought Ruby on Rails was enough to get Web applications developed quickly, but enter Hobo. Hobo makes the process of creating Web applications and prototypes even quicker. For example, out of the box, with no lines of code written, you get a dummy app… Continue reading Hobo: A Rapid Web App Builder for Rails
What wifi sniffers can find out about you
What wifi sniffers can find out about you. New York Times tech writer David Pogue – who says he's not one of the “privacy paranoid” – describes his shock when someone tracked his online activity on an open wifi network at a public coffee shop while he browsed and emailed. Using the free Mac program… Continue reading What wifi sniffers can find out about you
Happy New Year 2007! May we all find peace, love and prosperity in the new year.(The picture is of celebrations in London via Yahoo.)
Disappointment in VS2005 SP1 on Vista
Disappointment in VS2005 SP1 on Vista. Well, I installed SP1 of Visual Studio 2005 yesterday on my laptop running Vista, and I have to say there was one think that really disappointed me. So much so that I am not just going to blog about it… I want everyone that reads this to go AGAINST… Continue reading Disappointment in VS2005 SP1 on Vista
Thanks, Mr Ford!
Thanks, Mr Ford!. In 19731974 I worked in the Nixon White House on drug abuse treatment and drug interdiction policy. I left on August 1, 1974, Mr Nixon about a week later. (We both went to California.) I hate to say something like this, it's so pretentious, but in a way only those of us… Continue reading Thanks, Mr Ford!
“Outlook 2007 grant for Exchange Server 2003 CAL customers”
“Outlook 2007 grant for Exchange Server 2003 CAL customers”. Just in-case you haven't already read about the fundamental change to the Exchange/Outlook 2007 CAL licensing, it's worth covering here.. unless you were on Exchange Server 2003 with Software Assurance at 30th November 2006 you will not be able to automatically use Outlook 2007 when you… Continue reading “Outlook 2007 grant for Exchange Server 2003 CAL customers”