To Talk of Many Things
The time has come the walrus said . . .
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“'If somebody wants to do it, you can't stop them,' says [Kathleen C. Bailey, a former assistant director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.] 'If it is a terrorist group, you may be able to infiltrate them. But if it is a single individual, it is going to be extraordinarily hard to know in advance what that individual is doing in their garage, closet, or basement… There are no emissions. With current technology, we have no way of sniffing out who is making anthrax in their basement.'… Even if Congress burned the Constitution and turned the U.S. into a police state, it could not eliminate the bioterrorism threat. 'Do you really think that you could catch the individual who wants to terrorize the population by making biological weapons? How are you going to know?'” [via A Boy and His Basement