What the hell is a 'collaborative workspace'?

What the hell is a 'collaborative workspace'?

Have you heard the term 'collaborative workspace' and wondered what, exactly, that really means? Sure, we can all envision in a marginally satisfying (yet insufficient and overly-abstract) kind of way that the term refers to some sort of collaboration across the internet. But, unless we've actually seen an example, it's really hard to get excited about this concept. Which is unfortunate, because I've experienced collaborative workspaces a little bit and I'm really excited about it. I think other people should experience this too.

Rick Klau is working at SocialText now and he has given me the opportunity to see firsthand how SocialText works. Now, for a limited time only, if you act fast you too can observe the power of SocialText. Here's how. Rick is at a conference (Red Herring Spring) in California and he and a few others are taking notes on the speakers and posting it to a collaborative workspace. So, just click here to be transported into the secret world of collaborative workspaces. And if you have questions (and if you are intellectually curious you will) feel free to contact Rick. Or, you might just want to sign up for a 30 day free trial of the SocialText software. I'm telling you this is cool stuff. But you have to play with it to adequately grasp how powerful it can be when used properly.  [Ernie The Attorney]

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