Beyond Crayons.
Nick Duffill, of Gyronix, (co-creator of
ResultManager – a visual GTD Dashboard for MindManager) has just joined
the blogging community. His new blog is called: Beyond
Nick plans to focus his blog on visualisation for professionals, but I
hope that he branches out (OK, pun intended) into other areas too. He's
an interesting guy with lots to say. He also likes robots — which says
a lot in my book.
As I have previously posted, I'm in the process of working ResultManager
into our Jr.
Robotics team planning meetings.
Nick's been a great resource for me and has generously provided his software
and remote training to us along.
If you are familiar with Mind Mapping, Mind Manager, and the GTD methodology,
take a look at ResultManager,
a powerful tool to help you visualize your projects and actions. Here's
a brief overview,
by Chuck Frey, of InnovationTools.
I've added Nick's Blog to my RSS reader and I'm now anxiously awaiting
Nick's next words…. (hint)
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Nick!
PS. Looks like this month will have me focused on client projects and new
deployments of my eProductivity
template for Lotus Notes.
Between these activities, life, and coaching the team, my own blogging
may be a bit sparse for the next few weeks. Stay tuned, though. Lots more
to come.
[Eric Mack On-Line]