While the Politicians Fiddle, America Goes Broke. Politicians in both parties are recklessly promising government benefits that they have no way to finance, says Peter G. Peterson, the former secretary of commerce. By CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL. [The New York Times > Books]
Month: August 2004
Innovate and Die?
Innovate and Die?. Gary Feldman at Cheskin shares some insights into why innovation can lead to dead ends. This quote sums up the problem becoming a “betamax first mover loser“. His examples are Tivo (a great innovation) and satellite radio (a paid version of something you already have). The main difference between the two… Continue reading Innovate and Die?
Living and Working in the Virtual Workplace
Living and Working in the Virtual Workplace. For some reason, I found myself thinking about how different my “work day” is now than it was 5 years at when I worked at Marathon Oil in Findlay, Ohio. Then Back then my day was fairly straightforward. I got to work at roughly the same time each… Continue reading Living and Working in the Virtual Workplace
10 of 82 parishes fight archdiocese on closure plans
10 of 82 parishes fight archdiocese on closure plans. Despite long odds against success, at least 10 of the 82 parishes that the Archdiocese of Boston plans to close are challenging Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley's decision by attempting canon or civil law appeals, by seeking intervention from local or state officials, or through protests and… Continue reading 10 of 82 parishes fight archdiocese on closure plans
AL QAEDA'S STRUCTURE. The recent arrests of al Qaeda operatives reveals more about their current organizational structure. What emerges is a highly redundant organization that reveals few weaknesses. It's important to note that this represents only bin Laden's portion of the growing number… [Global Guerrillas]
Plan for a Corporate Desktop
Plan for a Corporate Desktop. People often assert that maybe, perhaps Linux is acceptable for the desktop. Having used corporate desktops at a dozen companies and having the priviledge of designing IT from the ground up I have a few things to say here. Microsoft Windows on the desktop has problems, but I contend the… Continue reading Plan for a Corporate Desktop
Blocking XP SP2 at the corporate level
Blocking XP SP2 at the corporate level. While I've installed XP Service Pack 2 on one machine and had not one whit of a problem with it, I understand why corporations are wary of rolling it out at this point, instead opting for the (reasonable, logical) step of testing it in-house to integrate it properly… Continue reading Blocking XP SP2 at the corporate level
The power of web publishing
The power of web publishing. If anyone wants to see one place where web publishing has a huge, influential future, you can't go wrong by taking a look at Jim Gilliam's video analysis of the appearance of Bill O'Reilly and Paul Krugman on Tim Russert's CNBC show. Gilliam, the producer of Outfoxed, took CNBC's video… Continue reading The power of web publishing
An Interview with Danny Sullivan
An Interview with Danny Sullivan. This interview is the beginning of a series on search engines. We'll briefly look at their history, and delve into some of the techniques of optimizing Web sites for search engines. By Lee Underwood. [WebReference News]
A strategic vision for dynamic languages
A strategic vision for dynamic languages. As operating systems consolidate around managed interfaces, they'll choose the Java and .Net VMs, not the Perl, Python, or PHP VMs. But the agility of the dynamic languages and the collaborative energy of their open source communities are two of the pistons that crank the engine of progress. These… Continue reading A strategic vision for dynamic languages