Good to great @ Macromedia

Good to great @ Macromedia.

For $1,300 you can get a one year subscription to Macromedia Devnet, which includes most of the company's web authoring tools, including Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks.

Unfortunately, Devnet does not include Robohelp and Robodemo. I
don't understand why… including these products would increase the
value, and expose more developers to more Macromedia technology. I'm
pretty sure it wouldn't canibalize existing Robohelp and Robodemo sales.

Macromedia has done lots of things right (I'll write more
about that later), but this is definitely an area where lots of
improvement could be made with very little effort. To keep up to date
on Macromedia products, check out the company's RSS feeds. [Live @]

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