Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery.
While checking out a comment on yesterday's post on Windows Forensics: Have I been Hacked? I came a cross a new book on the subject that hasn't been released yet, but looks like it might me an interesting read.
Harlan Carvey has written a book to be published next month called Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery which looks quite interesting for the forensic investigators out there. Here is a quick TOC:
- Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Chapter 2 – How Incidents Occur
- Chapter 3 – Data Hiding
- Chapter 4 – Incident Preparation
- Chapter 5 – Incident Response Tools
- Chapter 6 – Developing a Methodology
- Chapter 7 – Knowing What To Look For
- Chapter 8 – Using the Forensic Server Project
- Chapter 9 – Scanners and Sniffers
- Appendix A – Installing Perl on Windows
- Appendix B – Web Sites
- Appendix C – Answers to Chapter 9 Questions
As it hasn't been published yet, I haven't had a chance to read it to
really scope it out, but if the TOC is any indication, it might be an
interesting read. I am just finishing up Threat Modeling
right now (review to follow shortly), and this comes at a good time. If
you want to explore some of the topics, tools and techniques that will
be covered in the book, Harlan has a website up at which includes links to some of this stuff.
Maybe with any luck Harlan will be as generous as Ken was in sending me an advanced copy of Secure Coding: Principles and Practices or Gary, who while reading my comments, decided to send me an early copy of his book Exploiting Software:How to break Code.
Now that I think about it, I'm blessed with a lot of quality readers
of my blog who seem to be great authors. If you are an author with a
book on infosec or secure coding, and would like me to read and review
your book, please contact me at
One thing though… you HAVE to personally autograph it. I've started a
collection of personally signed security books. Right now I got signed
books from about a half dozen great authors. Want to join them? Send me
a book!
[Dana Epp's ramblings at the Sanctuary]