I Remember When Kids Didn't Have Cell Phones…..
“As of the first week of June 2004, the mobile service industry broke the 1.5 billion subscriber mark worldwide. Research firm EMC also predicts that the industry will pass the 2 billion mark as early as 2006, far earlier than some other predictions, and reach 2.45 billion by the end of 2009.” [infoSync World]
Guess where a lot of that growth is going to come from?
“New research from Mobile Youth – a mobile telecoms consultancy – found that 700,000 (20%) of primary school children own mobile phones and that the under 10s “represent the fastest-growing segment of mobile phone ownership within Britain”.
'They are the key fashion accessory which no self respecting child can do without,' says the report. It predicts that by 2006, more than one million primary school kids (a third of all five-to-nine year olds) will own mobiles.” [The Guardian]