Peter Morville's sweet User Experience Honeycomb

Peter Morville's sweet User Experience Honeycomb.

When I broadened my interest from IA to UX, I found the need for a new diagram to illustrate the facets of user experience – especially to help clients understand why they must move beyond usability – and so with a little help from my friends developed the user experience honeycomb.
The ux honey comb is a value centered description of the different aspects of the user experience (unlike the experience cycle, with ux-as-user-process, or JJG’s famous ux-as-practice model). The UX facets Peter describes are useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, and credible – and these all contribute to the central facet – valuable As a value-centered design booster, I think this is the key, and builds a bridge between business and user value – projects need to produce both ROI and Return on Experience.  [ia/ blogs]

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