Any time, anywhere access

Any time, anywhere access.

The Pew Internet & American Life Project has found that 23% of adult U.S. Internet users have gone online from a place other than home or work which is close to 30 million Americans.”Among these away-from-home, away-from-work users, the top “other” locations for Internet access are school (27%), friend/neighbor’s house (26%), at a library (26%), and a relative’s house (9%). In addition, 4% have logged on from some place while traveling, 3% have logged on at hotels, 2% have logged on at cyber cafés, and small fractions have logged on at community centers and houses of worship”,the report says.Some are lower-income Americans who browse in schools or libraries,but many are younger adults who are moving toward any time, anywhere access.
Data Memo: Use of the Internet in places other than home or work [Smart Mobs]

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