The Commoditization of User Experience. Adaptive Path's Simple Solution series of reports is the first widespread commoditization of user experience practice…and it's worth thinking about what IAs and others should do in a world where $49 buys the fix to a common problem.
This week Adaptive Path launched their new reports. The star of the launch is a free report – Jesse's analysis of U.S. presidential candidate sites. Upcoming reports on Search, CMS, and ROI will make a profound impact in different circles.
But the reports that will have the biggest impact are the two small ones already available from the AP Simple Solutions series – Boutique Software Sites, and Registration & Login. For $49USD, you buy 5 or 8 pages with some explanation, site structure or flow, and wireframes. Forty-nine dollars buys you an IA solution based on design patterns, best practice, and AP's experience. How to integrate that solution or develop your own is something UX practitioners will need to face in the coming months. [ia/ blogs]