K-Logging: Supporting KM with Web Logs.
Just when you thought you've got blogging figured out, along comes another term, k-logging. Don't despair. It's a simple concept. K-logging stands for knowledge blogging, in other words, using blogging tools for knowledge management.
I just recently spotted an interesting article in Library Journal, April 2003, K-Logging: Supporting KM with Web Logs. The act of blogging sometimes, but not always, involves monitoring a variety of news sources. Michael Angeles, a blogger himself, (http://iaslash.org/) discusses how librarians can support the information needs of k-loggers.
He suggest that “the library should be responsible for certain basic actions: support k-loggers by providing content; provide access (taxonomies) to their content; and share knowledge through aggregation and publishing.”
This includes making content available in xml/rss format so that it can easily aggregated, retrieved and blogged by k-loggers. [LawLibTech]