Convenient Train Excursions from London. For many Americans, London serves as the gateway to Europe. And what a perfect indoctrination London is for Yanks, with its language and cultural similarities and many, many familiar features. What is also great about London is that it offers a convenient link with so many other destinations via train travel, which allows travelers see the country in a way that air travel doesn't permit. The clean, efficient London Underground connects all of the major train stations (Like Paris, London has several main stations circled around the city instead of one central station – each satellite station is positioned to service a different region of the country). Famous, black London taxicabs will also transport you easily from a London hotel to most any train station. With this arrangement, visitors can glide easily in and out of London to points in England, Wales, Scotland and Continental Europe.
London, the capital of the industrial revolution, had the nation's rail network built around it. London is the travel hub for rail lines that spread into all parts of the United Kingdom, and now radiate through Europe via the tunnel under the English Channel. Many American travelers making their first jaunt to Europe find it sufficient to visit London. But consider – Paris is now less than three hours away via high-speed train (here is the Eurostar link). Even easier are prime British destinations like Bath (one and a half hours from London by train), York (two and a half hours direct from London on the train) Cardiff, Wales (two hours and ten minutes away), and Edinburgh, Scotland (four and a half hours by train, or accessible via overnight sleeper). Take a look at the hugely useful German National Rail site that will instantaneously give you connections, times and length of trip for train routes all over Europe. [cloudtravel]