SmartWorlds Offers Free Book Shopping Software

SmartWorlds Offers Free Book Shopping Software. SmartWorlds software lets PDA users shop and learn more about books while they're in a bookstore: The service is already in use in Boston at Trident Booksellers on Newbury Street, with access provided by Michael Oh's Wi-Fi network. SmartWorlds is now offering the software free to anyone. Users can punch in the ISBN number of a book while they're standing in a bookstore. Users are connected to's site where they can read reviews of the book, check pricing, and see other books recommended by readers. In Boston, Trident is considered an affiliate of Amazon so if users of this service later buy one of the books they browsed for on Amazon, Trident earns a commission. I'd love to see people use this in the big chain bookshops which probably wouldn't want people to use it for fear of losing business…. [Wi-Fi Networking News]

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