Dick Gephardt needs to go to summer school to study basic civics

Dick Gephardt needs to go to summer school to study basic civics. Instapundit reports on Dick Gephardt's absurd statement about overturning Supreme Court decisions:

“When I'm president, we'll do executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day “

I agree with Instapundit's assessment that Gephardt may be too stupid to be president, or too cavalier.  When are these guys going to figure out that it isn't just the lazy old media that is taking note of what they are saying?

Later: predictably, we now are in the “explanatory phase” wherein the politician's handlers provide information on what he really meant.  Fortunately, the blogosphere is impervious to this sort of thing.   Unfortunately, we can't say the same thing for the traditional media.  But then they've got smaller (but more entertaining) fish to fry.  [Ernie the Attorney]

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