Ask For A Second Cup

Ask For A Second Cup.  Good to the Last Drop: Dimensions and Cultural Implications of Coffee Service in Libraries “A paper on coffee services in libraries, written by students of the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina. The paper covers 'the general history of coffee and coffeehouses, the history of the… Continue reading Ask For A Second Cup

Scale-free network searching

Scale-free network searching. Social networks have the surprising property of being “searchable”: Ordinary people are capable of directing messages through their network of acquaintances to reach a specific but distant target person in only a few steps. We present a model that offers an explanation of social network searchability in terms of recognizable personal identities:… Continue reading Scale-free network searching

Last stop before the media monopoly

Last stop before the media monopoly. FCC chairman Michael Powell is likely to get media ownership deregulated — even though public comment is running 97 percent against it. []

Josh Marshall is on the hunt

Josh Marshall is on the hunt.  Josh Marshall may be at it again. You may recall that he was widely credited for sticking to the Trent Lott story late last year, ultimately resulting in Trent Lott stepping down from his leadership position in the Senate. Now he's picking at the threads of a story that… Continue reading Josh Marshall is on the hunt

Update: Web Help Desk 6.3

Update: Web Help Desk 6.3. Web Help Desk adds parts tracking and inventory, PDF invoicing, and other changes. [MacInTouch]

Update: WireHose Server 2.0.2

Update: WireHose Server 2.0.2. A tool for Java developers to create customizable web portals, WireHose Server resolves some issues with the Mac OS X installer, enhances several sample applications, and fixes some bugs. [MacInTouch]

Knemeyer on Information Design

Knemeyer on Information Design. Dirk Knemeyer writes a great primer on Information Design and how it relates to Web design and development. From the article: More than its value to business, information is also the principle component to human knowledge and progress. By experiencing information — through any of the available senses — people are… Continue reading Knemeyer on Information Design