Grim Future for World's Water

Grim Future for World's Water. The planet will face an unprecedented shortage of drinking water in the next 20 years, a U.N. report warns. Pollution, global warming and thick-headed politicians get most of the blame. [Wired News]


Zoe is back home safe and recovering from her surgery.  I'm very happy about that! On the other hand, I've really had enough snow for quite a while.


Taking my kitten Zoe off to the vet this morning so she can get spayed.  Hope everything goes okay.

When TV Becomes “ReplayTV”

When TV Becomes “ReplayTV”. Just a quick story before I crash early tonight. Last week, we bought our third ReplayTV. Yes, you read that right – third. It's a financial risk, considering that SonicBlue isn't doing so well financially, but I feel confident that if SonicBlue goes belly up that TiVo will take over its… Continue reading When TV Becomes “ReplayTV”

Macromedia tagline: Experience Matters

Macromedia tagline: Experience Matters. Macromedia has launched a new design with a corresponding marketing message about creating great experiences. The new tagline 'experience matters' has its own website with example experiential flash sites. I alternate between loving the increased exposure of user experience, and hating the dilution of something tangible and valuable to buzz-compliant marketing… Continue reading Macromedia tagline: Experience Matters

Dell switching from UNIX to Linux?

Dell switching from UNIX to Linux?. Slashdot points to this article in ComputerUser about Dell CIO Randy Mott's provocative statement that “UNIX is dead.”    Mott had other provoking observations: “Industries that don't plan for obsolescence will get out of date and they will turn out to be different industries than what they could have been.… Continue reading Dell switching from UNIX to Linux?

Microsoft's law firm pushes lawyers to be more document efficient

Microsoft's law firm pushes lawyers to be more document efficient. In late 1999 B. Gerald Johnson, Preston Gates's managing partner, told his lawyers to start acting more like their clients: Inc. and Starbucks Corp. Just as those companies redefined their businesses, Johnson wanted to redefine the way his law firm practiced law. “We've represented… Continue reading Microsoft's law firm pushes lawyers to be more document efficient