PHP Architect: March issue and grants

PHP Architect: March issue and grants. The March issue of PHP Architect is out. 6 interesting articles and additional sections on PHP News and product reviews. These go into great detail, and are certainly of a much higher standard than the average article you read at most techie web-sites. For example, they have an article on sessions which discusses the trade-offs between different techniques. Really guru stuff.

I'm happy to say that phpLens, one of my company's products received a good review in this issue. This was a very pleasant surprise as none of us at Natsoft knew about this until a week before the issue came out and we provided no assistance to the reviewer. (Disclaimer, we do advertise in php architect).

Also there is the new PHP Architect grant scheme:

We've established the php|architect Grant Program with the purpose of providing financial support for the PHP-related open-source projects that have the potential of bringing the greatest benefit to the PHP community in general.

On June 30, we will announce the assignments of two $1,000 grants to as many projects selected among those who will have entered into the program.  [PHP Everywhere]

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