All things Movable Type. Movable Type 2.6 is out. Here's what's new, and how to use it. [dive into mark]
Month: February 2003
Business Week
Business Week. Apple's Rendezvous is maturing nicely. Self aware networks. Combine Rendezvous with mesh wireless and your head starts to spin. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
Servers / Clients/ Centralization
Servers / Clients/ Centralization. The center of nowhere in particular Mitch Kapor blogs eloquently on the design issues that come with building a workgroup product for an organization. While the OSAF's Chandler is a P2P-based product at heart, and Mitch a decentralizer at heart, when it comes to big groups, servers become sort of important.… Continue reading Servers / Clients/ Centralization
Jeb Bush Winces at Price Tag on State History
Jeb Bush Winces at Price Tag on State History “It took 150 years to build the collection in the State Library. Jeb Bush, the self-styled “Education Governor,” may destroy it in a few weeks. Housing and maintaining the library costs around $5-million a year. According to Bush, Florida just can't afford it. If the governor… Continue reading Jeb Bush Winces at Price Tag on State History
Think Again
Think Again “If you're thinking of buying any wireless gear that uses 802.11g, think again. Incompatibility between different manufacturers wireless cards and base stations is apparently a big problem since the final standards haven't been ratified (and won't be until later this year). That hasn't stopped everyone from jumping the gun a bit and releasing… Continue reading Think Again
Cluetrain-less. Broadband for Suckers “In a shamelessly clever marketing gambit, Best Buy is selling shrink-wrapped AT&T Broadband digital cable kits for $10 a throw. The truth: There's no 'kit' inside, just a brochure with an 800 number and five pay-per-view movie coupons. Best Buy used to hand out the AT&T kits for free, but it… Continue reading Cluetrain-less
What Symantec Knew But Didn't Say
What Symantec Knew But Didn't Say. Security experts are fuming about a Symantec press release indicating the company knew about the devastating Slammer worm hours before the general public did. The company shared the knowledge with select customers but kept mum with everybody else. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]
Ten Commandments of Content Management
Ten Commandments of Content Management. From Progressive Information Technolgies (tagline: Information Architects for Publishing) comes the Ten Commandments of Content Management: Content must be stored only once. Content must be separate from tagging. Granularity of content must be available at any level. Use metadata to enhance content management capability. Loading, editing, and extracting must be… Continue reading Ten Commandments of Content Management
Yahoo News
Yahoo News – House OKs National 'Do Not Call' List . A national “do-not-call” list intended to help consumers block unwanted telemarketing calls is moving closer to becoming reality and lawmakers say it will likely go into effect this year. [ … ] Telemarketers say the registry will devastate their business, endangering millions of jobs… Continue reading Yahoo News
Marc Barrot
Marc Barrot: “I've created a gallery to illustrate, with screen shots, how real Radio bloggers put activeRenderer to work.” [Scripting News]