Surviving Information Overload. – “Think about the sources you rely on to stay abreast of developments in your practice or fields of interest. You may receive new information in a variety of formats and styles. It may be formal or informal, confirmed or unverified. It may arrive in traditional print-based newsletters, magazines or newspapers, via telephone or by various electronic communications.”
“In the electronic arena, e-mail, discussion groups, Web-based services, intranets, RSS/XML news feeds and weblogs all vie for attention. How do you take control of this digital flood of information without waiting for the long-promised magic bullet of a true knowledge management system? First, acquire lasting organizational skills. Then, break open your wallet and prepare to spend a few dollars on timesaving services and software.” (from ABA Law Practice Management via TVC Alert)
LS Thoughts – A great piece on currency from my good friend Genie Tyburski. Speaking of the ABA (was I? Well, this article was from their site) I did an interview about month ago with one of the writers from the ABA Journal about technology, lawyers, and currency. Well, they are printing the article in the February 2003 issue. A professional photographer was at my firm today for 2 hours taking my picture for the piece, which will be one of the feature articles. Very cool. [Library Stuff]