Diving more deeply into facets. How do you say faceted classification in Italiano? Classificazione/indicizzazione a faccette. One of the small facts I've culled out of the faceted classfication list. Discussion is heating up a little and Kathry La Barre is dropping science on us. The great advantage in having PhDs and doctoral students discussing on the list is that a thorough understanding of the facet analysis and classification literature can inform practice. Already there is a great need to really define and understand what facet analysis is, what facet classification is, how they are done, etc. This is one case where I think it is necessary to be pedantic because I fear that misunderstanding of the terms may result in incompletely executed implementations that call themselves faceted classification systems. Before we start to throw these terms around liberally in meetings with decision makers, we should be sure we know what we are talking about and be able to answer the most basic as well as the more difficult questions about what facet analysis and classification is and how it will positively effect the user experience. [ia/ – information architecture news]