Macromedia Store

DRK 2 Details – The DRK 2 is out and available from the Macromedia Store. The contents on this one are really good for Dreamweaver Developers especially if you are working with dynamic sites and specifically with PHP.

The kit includes:

The PHP User Authentication Suite that consists of four server behaviors for restricting access to websites. The individual server behaviors are:

  • Log In User – checks to make sure the user name and password users entered are valid. If the username and password match, the server behavior opens one page and if they do not match, the server behavior opens a different page.
  • Restrict Access to Page – Allows you to stop users from accessing a page without logging in. It also allows you to restrict access to a page based on access priviliges. If the user is not logged in or does not have the correct priviliges, the server behavior sends them to a different page.
  • Log Out User – clears the session variable set for each user after log-in and redirects the user to another page (usually a “goodbye” or “thank you” page). This server behavior can be invoked when a link is clicked or when a specific page loads.
  • Check New User Name – compares the user name entered against the user names stored in a database table of registered users. If no matching user name is found in the database , the server behavior carries out the insert record operation normally. If a matching user name is found, the server behavior cancels the insert record operation and opens a new page (usually a page alerting the user that the user name is already taken).

PHP Master Detail Set Extension
With a list of items that links to a series of detail pages, the PHP Master Detail Page Set provides an easy way to build master pages. The extension automatically creates all the items needed for both pages, including record sets, navigation bar, and dynamic links.

SQL Reference Extension
The SQL Reference extension provides access to reference content for SQL commands and functions within the Dreamweaver MX interface. Each command reference includes the command syntax (by vendor, if the syntax differs across implementations), a description, and informative examples that illustrate important concepts and uses. The SQL reference extension is based on SQL in a Nutshell, from O’Reilly and Associates. (I personally have been using this since it went into test and it is invaluable!)

Batch Spell Check Extension
The Batch Spell Check Extension will automate the spell checking of entire sites, groups of selected files in sites, or selected folders in sites.

The kit also includes:

Fireworks – Juno Extensions from Phireworx which are truely amazing extensions…

  • Vortex Creator – Vortex Creator creates intense vortex patterns from single or multiple objects, and is fully featured with opacity and jitter control.
  • Tsunami 1.0 – Tsunami takes your selected objects from the Canvas and creates all kinds of wave patterns from small to large.
  • ScatterBug – ScatterBug saves you time by making an array of objects from a single object. It also can randomly distribute objects across the Canvas creating a unique look quickly.
  • Spiro 1.0 – Spiro creates amazing spiral patterns that can be stretched vertically and horizontally from your objects.

Flash Components –

Rich Text Editor: The Rich Text Editor is an advanced component which provides a rich text editor for inputting both plain and html text. It contains a number of features including: Specify bold, italic and underline, Specify font and font size, Specify text color, Specify text alignment, Add bulleted lists, View in design and code mode, Add html links and specify their targets.

The Rich Text Editor can be useful for applications that require users to input rich, HTML based text, such as weblogs, and content management systems.

Smart Combo Box: The Smart Combo Box provides an editable combo box UI element that allows users to enter data in the field and have it be added to the combo box's data list. There is also an option to have the data automatically persist between user sessions.

Advanced Calendar Component: The Advanced Calendar Component extends the Calendar component from the Flash UI Component Set 2, and adds a number of new features, including: Ability to associate data with individual dates, Ability to format individual date cells individually, Ability to use a DataProvider class to populate the data for the component.

Color Picker: The Color Picker component provides a color picker UI element that presents various swatches in order to make it simple for users to pick and specify colors. It also has the ability to add custom swatches.

Simple Menu: The Simple Menu component creates a simple vertical or horizontal 1-level menu that can be used to quickly add basic navigation to your application or site.  [Matt Brown's Radio Weblog]

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