Organized Chaos

New Architect: Organized Chaos. Peter Meholz. This is where the principles of emergent systems come in. As centralized schemes grow unwieldy over time, it makes sense to create an alternative information environment where elements are organized according to a few simple rules about how users interact with that information. [Tomalak's Realm]

A Library as Big as the World

Business Week: A Library as Big as the World. Kahle's goal to create a huge digital library is shedding light on just how restrictions on the universal access to published works are growing, says Lessig. “He has the technology, he has the money, and he has the business plan,” Lessig says. “All he needs is… Continue reading A Library as Big as the World

PHP 4.1.2 Security Update

PHP 4.1.2 Security Update. Due to a security issue found in all versions of PHP (including 3.x and 4.x), a new version of PHP has been released. All users of PHP are strongly encouraged to either upgrade to PHP 4.1.2, or install the patch (available for PHP 3.0.18, 4.0.6 and 4.1.0/4.1.1). [PHP Everywhere]


Until reading this ZDNet article interviewing Don Box, it had not occurred to me that HTTP isn't everything we could want it to be. No sarcasm. People are jumping all over this story, but sheez, he makes some good points.   On the other hand, the fear such a bold idea evokes is quite reasonable… Continue reading article

Robert H. Goddard

Robert H. Goddard. “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” [#] [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

USA Today

USA Today: WTC flight recorders still missing. Investigators have yet to find crucial voice and data recorders from doomed jetliners. [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee. “It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it.” [#] [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

Mark made my day by sending me the following. He was cool enough to send me the entire article, although I don't think I can post the whole thing because I'd be breaking copyright law.  Sigh. Anyway, the cite is below in case you want to find the rest yourself. The gist of it is how humans have recorded knowledge throughout history and the major pitfall of each technique. You don't get the full humor without the first part, but here's a liberal quote:

Why Learn to Use a Library Anyhow?

Mark made my day by sending me the following. He was cool enough to send me the entire article, although I don't think I can post the whole thing because I'd be breaking copyright law.  Sigh. Anyway, the cite is below in case you want to find the rest yourself. The gist of it is… Continue reading

Mark made my day by sending me the following. He was cool enough to send me the entire article, although I don't think I can post the whole thing because I'd be breaking copyright law.  Sigh. Anyway, the cite is below in case you want to find the rest yourself. The gist of it is how humans have recorded knowledge throughout history and the major pitfall of each technique. You don't get the full humor without the first part, but here's a liberal quote:

Why Learn to Use a Library Anyhow?

Leddy Weblog

One of the great things about referrer logs is finding cool pages you didn't know existed. Today I found the Leddy Weblog, “an experiment in a local current awareness service” from the University of Windsor's Leddy Library, although perhaps it's a “successful experiment” since they've been doing this since September, 2000. The very first link on today's… Continue reading Leddy Weblog

Software That Asks “Who Goes There?”

Business Week: Software That Asks “Who Goes There?” It's enough to give any business a headache, let alone a health-insurance company. Tech-support staffers at insurer Wellpoint say they receive 14,000 calls every month from employees who have forgotten their computer-access passwords for the company's Intranet site and need a manual reset. [Tomalak's Realm]