
Niveus.  MIT remote control snowblower.  Nice.  Not much snow in New England yet, but there will be.  [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

John Robb: I've been asked to explain the difference between the two-way Web and traditional P2P software.  Both involve server mediation to some extent.  Both use desktop software.  Both punch throuh fire walls and determine presence.  Here is the difference:

1) The two-way Web produces content that becomes part of the Web.  It therefore ties into the current infrastructure of search engines, links, and the browser (which is damn close to the easiest interface ever developed).

2) P2P networks provide desktop to desktop file and data transfer.  While the two-way Web currently doesn't do this, it is possible this will become part of its functionality in time as business models develop around the transfer of heavy content elements. 

3) The two-way Web provides developers with a way to do complex things that gain from interaction with customers and employees.  My K-Logs effort is one example of this.  There are many, many more.  Additionally, the two-way Web leverages the investment people have made in learning how to build Web apps. [
John Robb's Radio Weblog

John Robb: I've been asked to explain the difference between the two-way Web and traditional P2P software.  Both involve server mediation to some extent.  Both use desktop software.  Both punch throuh fire walls and determine presence.  Here is the difference: 1) The two-way Web produces content that becomes part of the Web.  It therefore ties… Continue reading John Robb: I've been asked to explain the difference between the two-way Web and traditional P2P software.  Both involve server mediation to some extent.  Both use desktop software.  Both punch throuh fire walls and determine presence.  Here is the difference:

1) The two-way Web produces content that becomes part of the Web.  It therefore ties into the current infrastructure of search engines, links, and the browser (which is damn close to the easiest interface ever developed).

2) P2P networks provide desktop to desktop file and data transfer.  While the two-way Web currently doesn't do this, it is possible this will become part of its functionality in time as business models develop around the transfer of heavy content elements. 

3) The two-way Web provides developers with a way to do complex things that gain from interaction with customers and employees.  My K-Logs effort is one example of this.  There are many, many more.  Additionally, the two-way Web leverages the investment people have made in learning how to build Web apps. [John Robb's Radio Weblog


Herman has created a library of small flag gifs that are free to use on your Website (international and state flags). [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

SF Examiner

SF Examiner: “VCs are guaranteed cushy six- or seven-figure annual salaries for each fund they manage, even if their portfolios don't make a penny of profit.” # [Scripting News]

Apple fuels Macworld speculation

Apple fuels Macworld speculation. After disappointing many fans at the July expo, the company promises attendees will be “blown away” at next week's show. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service]

First Night 2002

Happy New Year 2002!! I had a great time at Boston's First Night 2002 celebration.