Phpauction auction system 1.1. An online auction system. []
Month: July 2001
Web Design Patterns
Web Design Patterns. Includes useful samples and descriptions of Navigation, Page Elements, Searching and eCommerce… [xBlog: Visual thinking linking | XPLANE]
organic information design
organic information design. This is Benjamin Fry's Master's Thesis, MIT Media Lab Aesthetics and Computation Group… [xBlog: Visual thinking linking | XPLANE]
Integrating Web Applications: XML-RPC in PHP
Integrating Web Applications: XML-RPC in PHP. This excerpt from O'Reilly & Associates' recently published Programming Web Services with XML-RPC discusses using PHP to integrate two web applications into a single interface. In the given example, the authors show how a technology news service based on RSS (RDF Site Summary) feeds was created. [PHP Everywhere]
Web design package enables HTML to XHTML conversion
Web design package enables HTML to XHTML conversion. Internet Works Jul 25 2001 11:46PM ET [XML and metadata news]
Magician Jobs Runs Out Of Tricks – For Now
Magician Jobs Runs Out Of Tricks – For Now : Steve Jobs had just three hours of sleep before he took the stage at New York's Macworld Expo and, frankly, it showed. (Sydney Morning Hearld via Applesurf) [Applesurf]
MW Expo Attendance A Record
MW Expo Attendance A Record : Macworld Expo New York has become the largest hi-tech Expo in New York, attracting more visitors than both PC Expo and Internet World. (Macworld UK via Applesurf) [Applesurf]
Contemporary novelists are befuddled by technology
Contemporary novelists are befuddled by technology. How can the writer of the contemporary potboiler get their heroine lost in a bad neighborhood when she has a PCS phone, and a GPS module in her Visor? Personal technology renders standard plot tricks useless. I guess they'll have to worry about character and setting. [More Like This… Continue reading Contemporary novelists are befuddled by technology
QaDRAM. Fantastic! QaDRAM, a beta visual PHP IDE now uses ADODB database library to support multiple databases. [PHP Everywhere]
Ming Rules
Ming Rules. Often in my articles I rave about the sheer number of functions available to the PHP programmer. This assertion has been once again enforced with the release of the Ming Flash Generation Library. This package, which also offers a PHP extension, provides PHP users with a rather convenient and simple way to create… Continue reading Ming Rules